Saturday, February 2, 2008

This week.

Well as many have noticed this week has been horrible on sleep for all. Between dogs barking, Ava not feeling the best and having to wake up at oh gosh thirty for work, I am not sure I know what sleeping in is. For now I guess that is okay, but I would love for one morning Mike to hear Ava before me, rush up and take care of her while I sleep for 2-3 more hours instead of the other way around. I know I know, not exactly possible right now, but maybe soon! Maybe that can be my Valentines Day gift from Ava and Mike....SLEEP!!!

The following are a few pictures from this week just randomly collected. Enjoy.

Only 14 days to wear the heck out of my Valentines outfit Grandma bought!!!

I am talking, don't you understand me...MOMMA you forgot my bib!

Splish Splash I was taking a bath...

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