By the way no I am not a workaholic, but I used to be one.
The following post will be who am I now. Right now I am a mother (still weird for me to say), a wife (not always a good one) an employee, a daughter and so much more.
Right now I feel defined by being a mother. My life is consumed with Ava. I must say that is not a bad thing at all and I love it, but I feel as though my other rolls are suffering.
I believe in traditional male female rolls even though my life does not follow one. I also would love to be taken care of instead of doing all the taking care, but not sure that my personality would allow this to happen.
I remember almost every thing that is said to me (or should I say that I have fought with someone about) Just ask Mike.
I am cranky, moody, hyper (when I have gotten sleep) slightly neurotic, compulsive about some things and not about others, and most of all I love to have things my way.
I know this last one is not a shocker to anyone.
Sometimes I cry, but try not to in front of others, sometimes I want to be held, but will not make the first move, and sometimes I think you should know what I want and just do it without me saying something, even when I don't know what it is that I want myself. Oh wait isn't that a typical woman?
Lastly I am me. An only child loved so much by my mom.
I have been this way for 26 years, and while this is not a long time in my life as a whole, it is going to be that way for another 26+ years, and even if I try to change, I cannot. The only thing is to hope that I am soon able to devote enough individual time to each roll that I now have in life.
Way to go woman! Love it! Especially the "Hi my name is Sarah and I'm a workaholic"...LMAO LOOOOOOVE it and the pic! Gotta run...Miller's humping Cash.
This is soooo true! I can definitely relate to this one.
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