Monday, January 14, 2008

2 lbs of Meat, 1-1/2 lbs of shrimp and 24 rolls later...

Okay two big things went on this weekend. First I started redoing our master bathroom. Well actually I started picking at the wall paper when I was still pregnant with Ava and now I am officially going to finish it. Pat and Amber came over on Friday and helped me pick off all the wall paper. Then Saturday Pat, Mike and I primed the walls. Sunday we would have done the textureizing part, but Mike and I decided to have a cookout.

I will post pictures of the bathroom when it is all done. I will put them in sequence for yall and everything.

As for the cookout...Mike spent 5 straight hours in the kitchen preparing/cutting up 2 lbs of red meat, potatoes, orange peppers, pineapple and shrimp to put onto a million wooden and metal scures. We then had Chance, Courtney, Pat and Amber over for a good time.

Amazingly through this all Ava fell asleep at her normal bed time and stayed in bed until midnight, when she was hungry again. After she went to bed we cleaned, had ice cream cake and continued to be loud adults having fun. If only every night could be a party. Wait maybe not, it is Monday and I am super tired and my bathroom is not done. ARRRRRR


Plunger Girl said... the "blogs of others" on your, will not say which, ugh...could not have been more revolting. Let's just say it's someone we've dicussed from time to time.

Btw, pineapples look yummy. And I'd kill 23 people for some ice cream cake.

Plunger Girl said...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention this. You might wanna update your profile. It says you're an accountant from Afganistan.